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Dhruva School is a second home where education leads to educating the child Our school has the vibrant classroom where creativity, ethics, self-analysis and goal setting are the aims for every child. The school is preparing the learners to be good individuals. We strongly believe that under our guidance the students will have a riche in their personality. The grooming of every child to complete the world has always been our prime concern.

We, at Dhruva endeavour to provide sufficient opportunities to each student to understand and discover themselves to face and overcome challenges presented to them to make school life fulfilling and complete. We take pride in helping them to grow and devlop into sensitive and responsible. Well-rounded personalities of the next generation.
Our life is a journey. We learn and experience something new every day. Our students enjoy quality learning opportunities in math, science, languages, physical education and the arts. We provide our students with a learning, environment that recognizes that children learn best when engaged with real world authentic tasks, involving problem solving using 21st Century skills. We embrace technology in our classrooms and promote the use of critical thinking skills where student voice leads the learning . Consequently our students get to understand that struggles will vanish within no time and our achievement will be remembered.
Teamwork is the hallmark of Dhruva. I appreciate the efforts put in by our wonderful team of students, teachers and the unstinting support of the Management for making this educational journey a fulfilling one for all of us. In this pursuit of excellence I thank our Parent Fraternity for supporting the school in every aspect.
I hope and pray students of our school scale great heights and keep the DHRUVA flag flying high wherever they tread.
Warm Regards
Director Message
Educational institutions all around the world along with the aspirations of students and parents have undergone critical transformations with time. At TNR Excellence Academy we aspire to provide top quality education to all, with a well-balanced and relevant curriculum. At Dhruva School we believe that true education is a right blend of Intelligence and character, we educate our students to maximize their innate potential along with positive social behaviour, thus developing them as global citizens. We value regular contact with parents / guardians, and regard the home-school partnership as an essential part of the education process. We are always looking for new ways to involve parents in the life of the school. We are always open to refreshing views and suggestions which can add more value to the students of our school.

Dear Parents, Students and Well Wishers,
As the Principal of this School, I feel proud to welcome you all and offer you our vision in terms of the academic strategy we intend to follow to provide a holistic and wholesome education to your ward.
Our aim at Dhruva Public School, Jaipur is definitive, wherein each child shall receive an education which is skill based that teaches him/her to know the why and how, rather than the ‘what’ of things. We believe that it is important that the critical and logical side of a child must be developed in his formative years and each child must be able to independently ascertain the right and wrong of a situation, so that as an individual he/she is able to take independent decisions, which are well thought of and introspective, in nature.
As We firmly believe that each child is an asset not only to his family, friends and school but to his/her nation and the society as a whole and they will only turn as future entrepreneurs.
See Details Receiving International School Award - 2019
See Details Shiksha Ratan Award-2019
See Details International Education Icon Award-2019
See Details Position in Jaipur Top - 07 (Year - 2022-23)
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